5 Ways to Stay Cool in the Philly Summer Heat

August 16, 2021

Throughout the summer, the temperature in Philly has stayed steadily in the 90’s with humidity making it feel well into the triple digits. While we all want to take advantage of the sunny days and seasonal activities, the unwavering heat can make exploring the city unbearable. 

Thankfully, there are many heat defying activities and small lifestyle changes that anyone can take advantage of to make the most out of our remaining weeks under the sun. Read on to learn 5 ways you can stay cool in the Philly heat this summer:

Photo by: @alicealexanderco

Shop for Cooling Outfits

The ideal summer uniform consists of loose, light-colored clothing made of natural materials. If your closet is lacking heat-defeating pieces, upgrade your wardrobe with pieces from local Philly designers. Alice Alexander, Vagabond Boutique, and Hello Geisha are just a few boutiques that carry many summer staples. Don’t forget to stock up on accessories like hats, sunglasses, and sandals to keep out the sun and promote airflow on humid days.

Photo by: @lilpopshop

Enjoy an Icy Treat

High temperatures are the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a chilled, seasonal dessert. You can’t go wrong with water ice: a local specialty that we covered in our classic Philly foods blog back in April. We also love Lil Pop Shop, an artisan fruit popsicle store, and Weckerly’s, a handmade ice cream shop. You can find both at a joint storefront in West Philly.

Photo by: @carcinogens_of_chlorine

Cannonball into a Community Pool

Philly is full of community pools that are spread out throughout the city to help residents beat the heat. If you’re into aesthetics, you’ll love the plants and views at the Francisville Playground and the Northern Liberties Recreation Center pools. In West Philly, you can’t go wrong with Kelly Pool in Fairmount Park. Visit Philly’s city website to learn about pool events and find the public pool closest to you.

Photo by: @bok_bar

Escape to an Elevated Rooftop Bar

Above the car exhausts and crowded streets, rooftop bars are an urban oasis that knocks a few degrees off the thermometer while raising the chances of catching a high-rise breeze. Bok Bar in South Philly is a great place to enjoy a cool cocktail with friends, and thanks to their creative event calendar, no two visits will be the same. In West Philly, you can sip on frozen drinks and watch classic movies at Sunset Social, the new, seasonal destination with beautiful river views.

Photo by: @wonderspacesphl

Explore the Great Indoors

While we all want to take advantage of our fleeting summer months, some days are simply more comfortable when spent with AC. Luckily, there is still a lot of Philly to enjoy indoors. Philly museums show a variety of new and unique summer exhibits that are perfect for a humid or rainy day. Additional indoor options include sampling the latest seasonal ales at a local craft brewery or exploring your creative side with a pottery painting class at the Expressive Hand.

We hope you found a helpful tip or inspiring activity for your next summer adventure here in Philly. For more summer events and activity ideas, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. If you try any of our suggestions or have some heat-stopping tips and tricks of your own, be sure to tag us to be featured on our profiles.